一般的邮件处理需要24-48小时,如果是比较急的单最好LIVE CHAT,不急的话可以用下列的模板发邮件处理。
Hi there,
My order number is 123456(订单号), which was placed on 05/22/2016(订单日期). I kindly request if you could accelerate the processing and the picking so that the order will be delivered ASAP. Thanks.
Hi there,
My order number is123456(订单号), which was placed on 05/22/2016(订单日期). I'm writing to check if you will ship all things that I ordered in a single package. Please do not separate them into several packages. Thank you.
Hi there,
My order number is 123456(订单号), which was placed on 05/22/2016(订单日期). I don't like it since color is different from what I have expected(退货理由). Can you offer me free shipping label to return it? Thanks.
转运入库后申请退货,以铭宣海淘转运为例子(很靠谱),需要在铭宣系统提交退货申请上传退货标签,这个退货标签就是return label,一般可以找商家要。