hello sir
I placed an order 2446435680 on Dec. 23th and finially received my items yesterday. But I found the Clarifying Lotion 2 was damaged. I feel disappointed for that. Can you help me solve the problem?
Hello lucy:
Thank you for your inquiry.
We are very sorry to learn that your Clarifying lotion 2 arrived damaged and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. You are a valued customer and your satisfaction is very important to us. We appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns and thank you for contacting us.
We are happy to send a replacement item via Second Day delivery service at no additional cost to you (please note that Second Day shipments may require a signature upon delivery). Please safely discard of the
直接帮我重新寄一瓶新的, 而且还是次日达,破损的也没有让我退回去,开心哇O(∩_∩)O~~
ps 个人不建议大家海淘倩碧2号水,容易渗漏不说,这水酒精味儿太重,不适合咱亚洲小仙女的肤质