
赞同 164 评论 15 收藏 39 发布于 2024-12-17 17:37:23








Dear Sir/Madam

My account [用户名/邮箱/手机号] on your website has been blocked. I'm quite puzzled as I've always complied with all rules. I suspect it might be a misunderstanding or system glitch.

Could you please look into this and unblock my account promptly if it's an error? I truly enjoy shopping here and would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My account is [用户名/邮箱/手机号].I'm having trouble logging into my account on your website. And I've double-checked my password, but it still shows an error.

It could be a technical glitch.Kindly assist me in resolving this as soon as possible,so that I can access my account and continue my shopping.I would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My Account is [下单时用的邮箱].I placed an order on your website without logging into an account. The order was placed on [下单时间], and I paid with [支付方式]. I need to track the delivery of this order.

Could you please help me find the tracking number and provide the shipping details?I would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号] which placed on[下单时间] was cancelled after I placed it.I'm very confused and would like to know the reason.

Please look into it and inform me as soon as possible.I would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号] ,which was placed on[下单时间] .Now my problem is I found some incorrect information.I would like to modify[specify the incorrect details, e.g., shipping address or item quantity](想要修改的信息).Could you assist me with this? I would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号] ,which was placed on[下单时间] .Now my problem is I accidentally placed an incorrect order.I would like to request cancellation. Please help me process it as soon as possible.I would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号] ,which was placed on[下单时间] .Now my problem is my order still hasn't been shipped. I'm eager to receive the items.

Could you please expedite the shipping process and provide an estimated delivery time?I would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号],whitch was placed on[下单时间],the tracking number is[物流单号]. Now my problem is that I haven'nt receive this item for[多少天] days.

Could you help me to check where is it now? If my order was lost, Could you arrange the replacement or return the payment to me? Thank you. Best regards!




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号],whitch was placed on[下单时间],the tracking number is[物流单号].I received my order, but found some items or free gifts were missing. I would like to request a replacement or a refund for the missing part. Please help me resolve this issue.I would be very grateful for your assistance.




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号],whitch was placed on[下单时间]. I have received the parcel. But now I don'nt need these goods and would like to request a return. Counld you offer me return label number to me? Thank you!




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号]. The item I bought was on[购买日期] was $xx[当时买的价格],but now the product price has dropped,it just need $xx[现在的价格]. Now I strongly request price match,which is $xx[差价].Please refund the price difference to my original credit card.Thank you!




Dear Sir/Madam

My order number is[订单号],whitch was placed on[下单时间].I received the product from my order. To my dismay, it is near expiry and this was not indicated on your website. I would like to request either a refund or a replacement. Please look into this matter and respond promptly.Thank you!










发布于 2024-12-17 17:37:23 · 编辑精选
dudu海淘 好全面的帖子 码住不迷路啊
15楼 2024-12-23 14:10:35
ADI安达易国际物流 法语的沟通模板,咱们还是总结了挺多常用的,这里就不一一粘贴辣,有点多,有需要的可以私信哦
14楼 2024-12-19 10:25:00
ADI安达易国际物流 【因为不想要这个订单要取消的法语模板】
Bonjourmadame et monsieur.Je voudrais annuler ma commande.(numero de commande: 电商订单号)
Parce que je ne en ai plus besoin.
Pouvez-vous m'aider a annuler cet ordre?
J'attends votre reponseMerci!
13楼 2024-12-19 10:24:07
ADI安达易国际物流 【向电商索要电子发票的法语模板】
Bonjourmadame et monsieur.J'ai commande une commande sur votre site;le numero de ma commande est+订单号dans ma compteje ne trouve pas la facturemerci de m'offrir la facture de cette commandedans l'attente de votre reponsemerci beaucoup.
12楼 2024-12-19 10:23:41
ADI安达易国际物流 【仓库入库拍照清点发现缺货,询问电商是否漏发的法语模板】
Bonjourmadame et monsieur.J'ai commande;une commande sur votre siteMais quand je l'ai recuj'ai trouve qu'il manque+(加缺货产品名字)le numero de ma commande est+订单号.Merci de verifier cette situationet j'attends impatientement votre reponse.Merci beaucoup.
11楼 2024-12-19 10:22:22







